Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Racist Stereotyping in Advertising

1. Is it ever right to racially stereotype for advertising purposes?
It is not right to use racially stereotypes in advertising ever. “There needs to be a public awakening, for racism and sexism should not be used in any situation, especially not to sell products”, said Shafeeq Sadiq in Racism and Sexism in Advertising. Having these stereotypes in advertising will teach people that this is alright to negative stereotype people just because of the way they look or talk.

2. Is racism in advertising a thing of the past?
No, it is still presented in advertising today.  In 2009 there was an ad that Microsoft made that was changed for the Polish version. They had replaced the head of a black man to a head of a white man.  In the photo, only the black man's head was replaced; the hands noticeably are a different color.   

On told readers that, ““The edit of the Microsoft ad for its Polish division was crude. The U.S. ad depicted three people at a conference table: an Asian man, a black man, and a white woman. When localizing the marketing image for Poland, Microsoft replaced the black man's with that of a white man. “Changing the man’s face is showing that in Poland, a black man couldn’t be in a board meeting like this or be in power at a right end occupation. 

3. Do advertisers have ethical responsibilities?

They do have an ethical responsibility. They are the ones that are helping make the cultural norm. We can have a litter bit of it but when it comes to something like the Coca-Cola 125 year ad. It is showing a 1950s white family enjoying a glass of Coca-Cola. There is no other ethnicity in this ad.  Only white people like Coca-Cola is what it is saying to the viewer.

Another one would be for H&M, a group of five white teen/young adults having a good time in H&M clothing. Where are the Asian’s? Hispanic’s?  African American? Indian-American? Native American? Europeans? Middle Easterners? They were H&M clothing, so why not advertise to them too. rich white kids can’t be the only ones shopping there.  

Other racism in advertising:

This Ad is showing that you are not stereotype

Ad showing that 'White' women is over powering the 'Black' women.


This Ad looks like it is saying the before you use this you are black and after you use this you become white and beautiful.

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